Opening a Case Ch. 13 (Voluntary)
STEP 1 Click on Bankruptcy
STEP 2 Click on BK Case Opening-Voluntary
STEP 3 Select 13 from the drop down box marked Chapter, select n or y from the boxes marked Joint Petition and Deficiencies; click [NEXT]
STEP 4 Enter the appropriate information for the Debtor in the screen labeled Search for a Debtor; click [search]
STEP 5 If the Debtor has filed with the court before, the Search for a Debtor function may yield their personal information. If a search yields the correct personal information for your client, select the Debtor’s name and personal information from the box. If the Debtor has not filed with the court before and a search did not yield your clients name or the Debtor's previous information does not match exactly; click [Create New Party]
STEP 6 Enter Debtor’s personal information in the appropriate boxes on the Debtor Information page. Click [SUBMIT]
Note- If the Debtor is known under any Alias please click [Alias...] and enter any Alias, Name, Social Security or Tax Number, Address, Zip, State and Country information that related to the Debtor.
STEP 7 Screen will display what Divisional Office is set for the Debtor based upon the Debtor’s zip code that was entered in the previous screen; click [Next]
STEP 8 Select the appropriate choices from the following drop down boxes and radio buttons; click [NEXT]
STEP 9 Enter the correct amounts in the Summary of Schedules; click [NEXT]. If the petition was deficient, click [NEXT] to bypass screen if all the information is not available on the schedules.
STEP 10 Enter the correct information in the boxes listed under Schedules; click [NEXT]. If the petition was deficient, click [NEXT] to bypass screen if all the information is not available on the schedules.
STEP 11 If the petition was deficient, deficiency screen will display. Place a check next to all the missing schedules. Click [NEXT]
STEP 12 Upload Official Form B1: Voluntary Petition in .pdf format; click [NEXT]
STEP 13 If the petition is deficient, incomplete filings due date and 45 day automatic dismissal date will display, click [NEXT]
STEP 14 The fee amount will display; click [NEXT]
STEP 15 Click [NEXT]
STEP 16 Docket text displays. Review for accuracy. If modification is necessary, abort the transaction and begin again. Modifications cannot be made on this screen.
Chapter 13 Voluntary Petition Filed by Test Attorney on behalf of Client. (Test Atty)
STEP 17 Notice of Electronic Filing displays.